Problems of an intimate nature in the stronger sex, which manifest themselves as a violation of erectile function, appear more often in men who have overcome the threshold of 50 years of age (the disorder is recorded in 53% of cases). This is facilitated by acute and chronic processes in the prostate gland. But sometimes the quality of intimate life is impaired in young people who experience frequent stressful situations, have diseases that lower the protective function of the body. In this case, it will be useful if vitamins are included in the complex therapy to increase male potency.

Types of vitamins that increase male strength
To restore the harmony of sexual life, vitamins and multivitamin complexes are used, in which the following elements are present:
- Tocopherol (name of vitamin E). The action of this element allows you to increase blood flow to the penis, which ensures a stable erection during sexual intercourse. In addition, he debugs the work of the pituitary gland and is responsible for the process of maturation of male cells (sperm).
- Ascorbic acid (or vitamin C). Reduces the permeability of the walls of capillary vessels, increasing their elasticity. This effect promotes increased blood flow to the penny. Ascorbic acid raises the testosterone level in the blood, while simultaneously raising the body's immune status. This action prevents the development of the process of inflammation of the parenchymal tissue of the prostate gland.
- Ergocalciferol. Takes part in the synthesis of hormones, increasing attraction to the opposite sex. It is synthesized only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The shortage most often occurs during the winter season.
- Pyridoxine and Cyanocobalamin (B6 and B12). They have a hepatotropic effect (protect liver cells), take part in the synthesis of hormones. A low concentration of these elements leads to a decrease in sexual energy and loss of stamina.
- Retinol. Restores the barrier defense of the immune system and reproductive function. This tandem ensures normal potency.
Vitamins to eliminate erectile dysfunction
Vitamins to improve male potency are prescribed as an additional treatment in the complex therapy of erectile dysfunction. Moreover, all prescriptions and appointments are carried out only by a doctor, since a violation in the sphere of intimate life has a lot of individual characteristics that are taken into account when choosing a drug.
The therapeutic effect of ready-made vitamin preparations for potency is provided by the combined composition:
- Tocopherol;
- L-carnitine;
- Folic acid (B9);
- minerals Zinc and Selene, other useful trace elements.
The use of vitamins for potency will allow you to feel their positive effect only after a few months. In addition, treatment for male impotence should always be comprehensive and contain drugs from other pharmacological groups. The prerequisites for proper therapy will be the inclusion of changes in the daily routine.
This includes exercising, going to the gym, adhering to the norms of a balanced diet.